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Gabriele Bartolini

Gabriele Bartolini

VP of CloudNative at EDB | PostgreSQL contributor | DoK Ambassador | CloudNativePG Maintainer

Navigating the uncharted waters of PostgreSQL within Kubernetes using open-source technologies, I bring a wealth of expertise to the table as a KubeCon speaker, Data on Kubernetes Community Ambassador, maintainer of the CloudNativePG Operator, and author of Postgres books. My passions are DevOps, High Availability, Disaster Recovery, Very Large Databases (VLDB) and data warehousing with PostgreSQL. I’m VP of CloudNative at EDB. Opinions are my own.


Celebrating 5,000 GitHub Stars for CloudNativePG

·4 mins

CloudNativePG has surpassed 5,000 stars on GitHub! More than just a number, this achievement reflects the trust, enthusiasm, and collaboration of the Postgres and Kubernetes open-source community. I look back at the journey, acknowledge the incredible contributions from users and maintainers, and invite everyone to join us in shaping the future of cloud-native PostgreSQL.

CloudNativePG in 2024: Milestones, Innovations, and Reflections

·11 mins

2024 was a transformative year for CloudNativePG, marked by significant contributions to the Kubernetes ecosystem, increased adoption, and a growing community. This article reflects on key milestones, including the integration of advanced Kubernetes features, conference highlights, and personal insights, while looking ahead to the opportunities awaiting PostgreSQL in the cloud-native era.

CNPG Recipe 16 - Balancing Data Durability and Self-Healing with Synchronous Replication

·3 mins

CloudNativePG 1.25 enhances control of PostgreSQL synchronous replication with a new dataDurability option, allowing you to choose between prioritising data consistency or self-healing capabilities. This article explains the feature, contrasts it with previous approaches, and provides guidance on migrating to the new API format.

CNPG Recipe 15 - PostgreSQL major online upgrades with logical replication

·7 mins

This recipe shows how to perform an online major PostgreSQL upgrade using the new declarative approach to logical replication introduced in CloudNativePG 1.25. By leveraging the Publication and Subscription CRDs, users can set up logical replication between PostgreSQL clusters with ease. I will walk you through configuring a PostgreSQL 15 publisher, importing schemas into a PostgreSQL 17 subscriber, and verifying data synchronisation, with the broader goal of highlighting the benefits of a repeatable and testable upgrade process.

CNPG Recipe 14 - Useful Command-Line Tools

·4 mins

In this CNPG recipe, we explore three essential command-line tools that simplify working with CloudNativePG in Kubernetes: view-secret, view-cert, and stern. These tools enhance tasks such as inspecting secrets, verifying certificates, and tailing logs across multiple pods, streamlining your PostgreSQL management experience in a cloud-native environment. Whether you’re troubleshooting or optimising workflows, these utilities will help you boost productivity and gain better control over your Kubernetes-based PostgreSQL deployments.