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CloudNativePG Recipe 10 - Simulating Production PostgreSQL on Kubernetes with Kind

This article provides a step-by-step guide to deploying PostgreSQL in Kubernetes using the kind tool (Kubernetes IN Docker) on a local machine, simulating a production-like environment. It explains how to create multi-node clusters and use node labels, specifically proposing the label to designate PostgreSQL nodes. The article also demonstrates how to schedule PostgreSQL instances on these designated nodes, emphasizing the importance of workload isolation in Kubernetes environments. Thanks to Kubernetes’ portability, these recommendations apply to any cloud deployment—whether private, public, self-managed, or fully managed.

One standout tool in the Kubernetes ecosystem is kind, short for Kubernetes IN Docker. This tool enables you to run a full Kubernetes cluster using nodes that operate as Docker containers. It offers a portable, consistent environment for testing your applications, ensuring smooth transitions from development to production, and seamlessly integrating them into your GitOps pipelines.

In “CloudNativePG Recipe 1 - Setting up your local playground in minutes”, I introduced the basics of getting started.

In this article, I’ll take it a step further by showing how to use kind to create local Kubernetes clusters with multiple nodes, each dedicated to specific tasks like the control plane, applications, and PostgreSQL workloads.

Additionally, I’ll show how to isolate PostgreSQL workloads by assigning specific nodes using node labels, ensuring clear separation between databases and applications at the “physical” level. In a future article, I’ll dive deeper into advanced techniques like node taints and anti-affinity for even greater control.

In this article, I am proposing the use of the label to specifically designate nodes for PostgreSQL workloads.

Before You Start #

Before you proceed, ensure that you have the following installed on your laptop:

If you’re new to CloudNativePG, I recommend spending 5-10 minutes reviewing “CNPG Recipe 1” mentioned earlier.

Our First Multi-Node Cluster #

By now, you should be comfortable creating a basic Kubernetes cluster with kind. While the default setup creates a single-node cluster that works well for many scenarios, it falls short when you want to explore advanced CloudNativePG and Kubernetes features like node selectors, taints & tolerations, affinity, and anti-affinity. To fully leverage these capabilities, you’ll need to simulate a multi-node cluster.

Fortunately, kind allows you to customise the default installation using a configuration file. We’ll leverage this feature to create a Kubernetes cluster with multiple nodes and apply basic labels to them, as follows:

  • 1 node dedicated to hosting the Kubernetes control plane
  • 1 worker node with a label for potential infrastructure workloads (e.g., Prometheus, Grafana)
  • 1 worker node with a label for potential application hosting (e.g., pgbench in our case)
  • 3 worker nodes with a label for deploying PostgreSQL instances

As you may have noticed, I’ve adopted the following naming convention for labels:, where ROLE can be infra, app, or postgres. While other conventions could be used, I’ve chosen this approach for specific reasons, which I’ll explain in the next section.

All of the above can be transformed into infrastructure as code with this simple YAML file to configure a kind Cluster resource:

kind: Cluster
name: multi-node-template
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker
- role: worker
- role: worker
- role: worker

Download the content of the multi-node-template.yaml file and then run:

kind create cluster --config multi-node-template.yaml --name cnpg


Creating cluster "cnpg" ...
 ✓ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.30.0) 🖼
 ✓ Preparing nodes 📦 📦 📦 📦 📦 📦
 ✓ Writing configuration 📜
 ✓ Starting control-plane 🕹️
 ✓ Installing CNI 🔌
 ✓ Installing StorageClass 💾
 ✓ Joining worker nodes 🚜
Set kubectl context to "kind-cnpg"
You can now use your cluster with:

kubectl cluster-info --context kind-cnpg

Thanks for using kind! 😊

Our kind cluster is now up and running. Let’s start by checking the available nodes:

kubectl get nodes

This command will return:

NAME                 STATUS   ROLES           AGE     VERSION
cnpg-control-plane   Ready    control-plane   5m4s    v1.30.0
cnpg-worker          Ready    <none>          4m44s   v1.30.0
cnpg-worker2         Ready    <none>          4m44s   v1.30.0
cnpg-worker3         Ready    <none>          4m45s   v1.30.0
cnpg-worker4         Ready    <none>          4m44s   v1.30.0
cnpg-worker5         Ready    <none>          4m45s   v1.30.0

As you can see, only the cnpg-control-plane node has a control-plane role. The other nodes show <none> under the ROLES column. Why is that?

Understanding Well-Known Node Labels in Kubernetes #

The reason lies in how Kubernetes labels nodes. Kubernetes uses a specific label,, to identify nodes running the control plane. The kubectl get nodes command extracts the role information from the string following, which in this case is control-plane.

To display roles for the worker nodes, such as infra, app, and postgres, we need to manually assign the appropriate labels:


However, by default, the kubelet restricts the assignment of labels within the namespace unless they have either the kubelet or node prefix, as a security measure. This behaviour is described in the Kubelet command-line reference and is also discussed in this kubeadm issue.

A common workaround is to use the kubectl label node command after the nodes are created. You can apply the desired labels like this:

kubectl label node -l
kubectl label node -l
kubectl label node -l

Now, if you rerun the kubectl get nodes command, you should see the updated roles:

NAME                 STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION
cnpg-control-plane   Ready    control-plane   19m   v1.30.0
cnpg-worker          Ready    infra           19m   v1.30.0
cnpg-worker2         Ready    app             19m   v1.30.0
cnpg-worker3         Ready    postgres        19m   v1.30.0
cnpg-worker4         Ready    postgres        19m   v1.30.0
cnpg-worker5         Ready    postgres        19m   v1.30.0

This output makes it clear that we have six nodes, each ideally dedicated to running the control plane, application workloads, infrastructure services, and Postgres databases.

There’s More… #

By now, it should be clear why I chose the convention in the first place. This approach allows you to easily apply the desired labels using selectors with kubectl label node. Alternatively, you can use the same command to label individual nodes directly, which is a common practice for Kubernetes administrators when adding new nodes to a cluster. For example:

kubectl label node cnpg-worker5

Scheduling CNPG Clusters on postgres Nodes #

Let’s set aside the infra and app nodes for now and focus solely on the postgres nodes.

Our objective is to declaratively create a PostgreSQL cluster using CloudNativePG and ensure it runs on the designated postgres nodes.

This is a straightforward task in Kubernetes, thanks to node selectors. CloudNativePG leverages this capability through the .spec.affinity.nodeSelector field, as described in the “Scheduling” documentation, illustrated by the following example:

# <snip>
    nodeSelector: ""

Let’s Get Started #

First, ensure the operator is installed. Feel free to install the version of your choice. For production environments, it’s recommended to use the latest stable minor release.

As a maintainer, I’m using the latest development build of CloudNativePG on my kind cluster:

curl -sSfL \ | \
  kubectl apply --server-side -f -

Wait for the operator to be fully installed and running. You can verify its status with:

kubectl get pods -A -o wide

The output will show that workloads are distributed across all nodes, including the PostgreSQL nodes:

NAMESPACE            NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP           NODE                 NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
cnpg-system          cnpg-controller-manager-7bd984695d-ptzs8     1/1     Running   0          47s   cnpg-worker5         <none>           <none>
kube-system          coredns-7db6d8ff4d-hxw9q                     1/1     Running   0          40m   cnpg-control-plane   <none>           <none>
kube-system          coredns-7db6d8ff4d-rgd84                     1/1     Running   0          40m   cnpg-control-plane   <none>           <none>
# <snip>

This is expected since we didn’t apply any restrictions to prevent non-Postgres workloads, including the operator, from running on the Postgres nodes. I’ll cover workload isolation and node reservation in a future article.

With the operator installed, you can now create the PostgreSQL cluster:

kind: Cluster
  name: cluster-example
  instances: 3

    size: 1Gi

    nodeSelector: ""

Download the content of the cluster-example.yaml file and apply it:

kubectl apply -f cluster-example.yaml

Once the cluster creation is complete, running kubectl get pods -o wide should yield the following output, confirming that PostgreSQL workloads are indeed running on the nodes labeled with (workers 3, 4 and 5):

cluster-example-1   1/1     Running   0          96s   cnpg-worker4   <none>           <none>
cluster-example-2   1/1     Running   0          54s   cnpg-worker3   <none>           <none>
cluster-example-3   1/1     Running   0          13s   cnpg-worker5   <none>           <none>

Success! Your PostgreSQL cluster is now correctly scheduled on the postgres nodes.

Conclusion #

Kind is an exceptional tool that brings the power of Kubernetes directly to your laptop, enabling us to simulate real-world scenarios. This allows us to effectively plan and design PostgreSQL architectures in Kubernetes using Infrastructure as Code (IaC). The combination of Kind, Kubernetes, CloudNativePG, and PostgreSQL—all open-source—empowers us to experiment, practice, and test our infrastructure and applications consistently from development to production. This process can even be automated through GitOps pipelines. To emphasise key concepts introduced by Gene Kim and Steven J. Spear, this approach embodies slowification, simplification, and amplification — topics I partially covered in my previous article.

Thanks to Kubernetes’ portability, these recommendations apply to any cloud deployment—whether private, public, self-managed, or fully managed.

Node labels are a critical technique for controlling the “physical” scheduling of PostgreSQL workloads in Kubernetes through declarative configuration. They provide Postgres DBAs and experts with a way to manage the “cattle vs. pets” paradigm, ensuring that even the elephants — PostgreSQL — have a place in the game. By using node labels, we can precisely determine which workloads run on specific nodes. You can also apply additional labels to gain finer control, such as dedicating specific machines to a single PostgreSQL cluster, or using bare metal nodes with local disks.

However, as we’ve seen, node labels alone are not sufficient to fully isolate PostgreSQL workloads. In the example above, the operator (cnpg-system.cnpg-controller-manager-*) was running on cnpg-worker5, which also hosted PostgreSQL primaries. If an issue arises on that node, it could delay failover processes. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that the operator is installed on nodes where PostgreSQL is not running.

Don’t worry — I’ll cover this scenario in the next article.

P.S.: Special thanks to my colleagues and fellow maintainers Leonardo Cecchi, Francesco Canovai, and Jonathan Gonzalez for their invaluable help.

Stay tuned for the upcoming recipes! For the latest updates, consider subscribing to my LinkedIn and Twitter channels.

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Cover Picture: “Elephant Riding“.