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The urge of “T-shaped” profiles to smooth the challenges of running Postgres in Kubernetes

·12 mins

As Kubernetes celebrates its tenth anniversary, the integration of PostgreSQL within this ecosystem is gaining momentum, offering challenges and opportunities, rather than threats, for database administrators (DBAs). This article explores the evolution of running PostgreSQL in Kubernetes, emphasising the importance of transitioning from traditional deployment methods to a cloud-native approach. It discusses the need for DBAs to expand their skills beyond the traditional scope, advocating for a “T-shaped” or even “comb-shaped” professional profile. By understanding key Kubernetes concepts and embracing the principles of “slowification”, simplification, and amplification, DBAs can effectively collaborate with developers and infrastructure teams. This approach enhances individual expertise and contributes to the broader adoption and optimisation of PostgreSQL in Kubernetes environments. The article highlights the critical role of community and shared knowledge in breaking down silos and fostering a collaborative culture, which is essential for the successful deployment and management of PostgreSQL in modern cloud-native infrastructures.

CloudNativePG Recipe 9 - Inspecting the network and the storage in a CloudNativePG cluster

·8 mins

In this blog post, I delve into the crucial aspects of networking and storage within a CloudNativePG cluster deployed on Kubernetes. I explore how Kubernetes services manage external and internal communications for PostgreSQL clusters, ensuring high availability and seamless failover. Additionally, I examine the role of PersistentVolumeClaims in handling PostgreSQL data storage, offering insights into effective resource management. This article provides an example of the kind of knowledge DBAs need to acquire when managing PostgreSQL in cloud-native environments, highlighting the importance of collaboration with infrastructure teams and developers to ensure robust and resilient cluster operations.

Kubernetes Just Turned Ten: Where Does PostgreSQL Stand?

·14 mins

As Kubernetes marks its tenth anniversary, its influence on infrastructure management continues to grow. This article examines the increasing adoption of PostgreSQL within Kubernetes, fueled by its extensibility and AI applications. It highlights the journey of integrating PostgreSQL with Kubernetes, focusing on the CloudNativePG operator. A comparison between Kubernetes and traditional VM deployments underscores the advantages for database workloads. The article also calls for greater awareness and expertise in combining PostgreSQL with Kubernetes, aiming to enhance the adoption of this fully open-source stack across the IT landscape.