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Kubernetes Just Turned Ten: Where Does PostgreSQL Stand?

·14 mins

As Kubernetes marks its tenth anniversary, its influence on infrastructure management continues to grow. This article examines the increasing adoption of PostgreSQL within Kubernetes, fueled by its extensibility and AI applications. It highlights the journey of integrating PostgreSQL with Kubernetes, focusing on the CloudNativePG operator. A comparison between Kubernetes and traditional VM deployments underscores the advantages for database workloads. The article also calls for greater awareness and expertise in combining PostgreSQL with Kubernetes, aiming to enhance the adoption of this fully open-source stack across the IT landscape.

CloudNativePG Recipe 5 - How to migrate your PostgreSQL database in Kubernetes with ~0 downtime from anywhere

·11 mins

Are you considering migrating your PostgreSQL database from a service provider into Kubernetes, but you cannot afford downtime? Recipe #5 details step-by-step instructions, leveraging CloudNativePG and logical replication, to seamlessly transition from PostgreSQL 10+ to 16 using an imperative method. Learn how to set up initial configurations, execute migrations, and handle various use cases, such as transitioning from DBaaS to Kubernetes-managed databases and performing version upgrades. Emphasizing testing, learning, and compliance with regulations like the Data Act, this guide empowers users to maintain control over their data by migrating to Kubernetes.